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Mish Mash

I'm participating in Frugal Friday over at Life as Mom but I always have other things to share.

Spices were the topic of discussion over there today. I used to buy in bulk from Frontier but they are a bit pricey for me. So I've switched. Mountain Rose Herb has lots and lots of organic/non irradiated spices for about half of what the other site charges. I also use Costco and I buy the 2, one pound blocks of yeast that work really well.

Fresh spices are always wonderful. Certain times of the year my chickadees live on pesto sauce and I try to freeze enough for future pizzas. Yummy! I grow dill for dips and cooking, basil, sage, and garlic. I know, garlic in FL? That's what I've been thinking, but the "books" all say it can be done.

For 2 years I've planted garlic and onions. My onions grow, but don't bulb. Still haven't figured that one out and they are the bulbing variety. Garlic, I put it in the ground and it shrivels up...So I decided it must be the garlic (it couldn't be me). Last summer I ordered seeds and organic elephant garlic. Can I just say cha ching! What was I thinking... (I know what I was thinking ..conquer!)

Anyway, the package arrived with three, count them with me 1, 2, 3 cloves (not bulbs) of garlic which equaled 1/2 pound for (drum roll please) $9.95! Yikes!

So last fall I popped them in the ground. They shot up beautifully. Nirvana! I was going to have 3 pounds of yummy garlic. Well then everything stopped. They got to be about 3 feet tall and even ended up flowering. Nothing more. I pulled one sometime in March nothing. It looked like one of my onions. Disgust and waste went through my mind!

Well last night Farm Girl and I were in the garden picking tomatoes and brussels sprouts when she asked if she could pull the garlic. Sure, it was laying dead on the ground. I told her not to be disappointed and went back to what I was doing. Next thing I hear, "look, look". Out popped a bulb of garlic and another!

So I'm going to try and replant them in the fall. Maybe I'll get 8 or bulbs next spring. Maybe I'll become the Garlic Queen of Florida!

Two great things we use to stay cool! 60 cones for $1.50 and ice cream that last and lasts!

Ice Cream Cones that won't increase your waist line!

The Little Chef taste testing Moose Tracks Frozen Yogurt.

Homemade Lime Slushies.
I don't have any pictures but here's my recipe:
- 1 peeled limes
-1 cup sugar any variety (be forewarned the natural ones change the color)
-1 cup water
- Blender crammed full of ice
- 5 to 6 strawberries or blueberries
Blend until smooth. Sip and watch out for Brain Freeze.
What's your favorite cool down recipe?


Anonymous said…
Wow, that's really neat about the garlic.
I think that may be what you have to do with the onions too. When I was a little girl, my cousin and I were trying to "help" our great-aunt in her garden and we pulled two rows of onions thinking that the tops were green and they should be "ready". I think my great-aunt cried when she saw what we had done-I never really understood it, but now it sort of makes sense-maybe they were supposed to stay in the ground until the tops died off so that they would bulb. Just a thought.
I really enjoy reading about your gardening adventures-
Funchaosx4 said…
OK, I gotta ask, where did you get the cones? Please share.... I hear you are joining us again soon?!
Debra said…
I just love those cones! We have seen them at McDonalds but I didn't know you could get them at the grocery. I will be on the lookout! :)
Unknown said…
mmmmmmmmmmmm. yum to all of the above.
WhiteStone said…
Onions. I've always heard that for green onions, plant deep. For bulb onions, plant shallow. They need loose dirt and good watering. Let them grow to the dry stage before digging. As for garlic? Here in Iowa I plant cloves from the grocery store (cheap!) in late fall for spring growth. If they have elephant garlic there, it will grow just fine. Like onions, they need to grow to the dry stage before harvesting. I like to clip the seedheads because you'll have garlic sprouting all over the place like grass...where you don't want it! I've yet to get those grassy garlics to produce bulbs. They're tough to kill so now I clip the seedheads.

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