Creative juices are flowing down on the farm. The sewing machines have been buzzing with the chickadees homemade creativity. Today is all about making costumes for Chick-Fa -La's Cow Appreciation Day tomorrow. It caught us all by surprise, it's usually closer to the end of July. Kids of all ages get involved in it here. Even the High School kids get together and make costumes. Then they head out for some tasty chicken nuggets or a wonderful chicken sandwich. School Girl needed white shirts so she sewed them up out of a sheet. Yep, I needed the sheets for another project, but don't tell her. The chickadees have also started their couch quilts for fall and winter. We (I) made the fleece blankets about 7 years ago and they are looking a bit bedraggled. So we (I ) decided it was time to freshen it up a bit. So here's what we (they) have done so far: -Bought a $3 white sheet from Walmart. -Bought Sharpie style fabric paint markers with 50% off Coupon. -Cut out 9 x 9 square
Julie Willis Essentials