Let me 1st make a disclaimer or 2! We are CRAZY Surburites who long for small town country life. We really have no clue of what we are doing, but we think we are experts! Also remember we are in our work clothes, compliments of the 25 cent rack.
We (I) read many gardening books this summer in preparation for our move to the country and/or how to garden in the great state of Florida. My two favorites are Square Foot Gardening and Vegetable Gardening in Florida.
I have no gruesome pics off the pulling out of grass. My oldest chick and I did a lot of that while the youngers filled the wheel barrow. We picked up this hand held roto tiller years ago on deep discount, but unfortunately the 1st day our weed whip lost it's whippiness. So we did it alone until we could barrow Poppy's. Some machines are SO worth it!
After Superman was done tilling and all the grass was gone. We added in loads of leaf compost and manure. Then he tilled that in. Then we headed to to our county parks dept and got free mulch to keep in all our improvements and water. (not sure where those pics are, but you get the idea)
Can I just say I'm a weekend project person (so this was huge for me- not as big as building our house though).
Let the fencing begin. Many times I've thought about putting a cute sign out front calling our home Squirrel Pond ( our last place was Rose Cottage). Needless to say from the title you've gathered that we have an abundance of what I once thought were God's cute little creatures! Well they really can ruin things! Do I have stories.................
We then let the ground sit until the end of August (about 7 weeks) We then had a date night out to plan out our garden. We have 12 4x4 feet plots with 2 foot walk ways and 1 foot perimeter (apx).
Then we re-tilled and improved just the 4x4 plots.
Can I just say I'm a weekend project person (so this was huge for me- not as big as building our house though).
I was also bummed on and off about whether our house would sell and are were doing all this work for nothing.... Superman, being his usual self said life must go on. So we are living where were are, for now. If someone decides to buy the house, they get a great garden or a nicely cleared piece of land.
Anyway, the fence wasn't for them. It's basically to keep the children, dogs, ducks, bikes, and anything else they could think of out!
My oldest chick would have you believe she was the Hammer Princess, but in fact I am the Hammer Queen! Just look at me go....I put almost every stake in!!!!