Can I just say it's 3:16 A.M.!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the matter with me? I started my B-12 today and had a route 44 Sonic (stevia sweet) tea (i REALLY like there ice and they gave us a 99 cent sticker for our car)! I think I finished around 9pm. What was I thinking? First off..... A Big Squeeze to everyone who stopped by and commented on my crafty room and everything. I needed the pick me up. Thanks for the love! Second...... Praise the Lord (seriously), I'm actually starting to feel better. My ears are still clogging on and off, but that's about it. 2 1/2 weeks of illness is crazy! I haven't been this funky kind of sick since High School. My Mom thought I was pretending to get out of wearing the lovely black, stretchy polyester dress she had to make me for chorus.( disclaimer: s he had every right to think I was pretending ) We ended up in the docs office for an adrenaline shot. Where does that kind of stuff come from? And who new????? It only takes 44 ounces of c
Julie Willis Essentials