Yesterday was our pick up day and we got 2 big bunches of kale (can anyone say yuck). I decided that night was the night for Kale Chips! Mmmmmmmmm. Okay, I'm still thinking gross! Anyhoo, I got all my dicing of our abundance of peppers, dill and cilantro done and put in the freezer. Then I washed and remove the rib from the kale leaves. It really was a pretty color of green. I then found a couple of recipes online and went from there.
Here's what they looked like after. Very crispy and pretty tasty( I would not say they tasted like potato chips)! They would definitely take care of any greasy, salty food cravings. I was surprised. I did add to much salt, but I would definitely serve these again. They are simple, quick and easy. I would just add less salt.
I'm sure many of you have given these greens a try, but if you haven't you really should! I may actually start growing some in our home garden.
Kale is very low on the glycemic index and super high on the anti- inflamtory!
I may get adventurous and give the chips a shot.
LOVE the candle holders!