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Hibiscus Gello

  For the past 20 months I have dilegently followed Implusive Keto. It's a super simple plan my doctor suggested because quite frankly, nothing else was working. Basically it merges a healthy keto diet with intermittent fasting. Have you tried either?   

  When I say healthy keto here's what I mean. I normally eat 2 meals a day with at least 2 cups (per meal) of liver loving, inflamation busting veggies. No corn, peas etc allowed. I also eat a palm size portion of protein including, eggs, fish, beef, chicken. You get the idea. You may be asking where's the fat? In this plan you eat good fats to taste. So I use all the good oils, avacados etc within reason. I do not do bullet proof coffee but I do use cream in my iced coffee with my meals. I drink lots of water with lemon eo and herbal teas. That's were Hibiscus Tea comes in. 

   Hibiscus tea is a great source of antioxidants and vitamin c. I make it weekly for our family and oily friends who come to events at our home. I usually have a quart or so left over as I make a large amount. Rewind a couple of weeks and one of our girls had made homemade Jello or Gello as I like to call it, for her sick sister.  I longed foe jiggling jello! Then an idea popped into my brain! "I wonder if I can make gello from hibiscus tea?"   P.S. I didn't even think to check Pinterest to see if anyone else came up with this grand jiggly idea. 

     I missed the bouncy, rubbery texture of finger jello and was jealous of the girls slurping the jiggly goodness. But now,  I am jealous no more! Below is my recipe.  Totally keto friendly. I use grass fed bovine gelatin and liquid stevia that does not impact my glucose levels.


   4 cups hibiscus tea 
   Stevia to taste ( I make it sweeter than I like my tea)
   4 drops Young Living Tangerine Vitality
   2 drops Young Living Lemon Vitality 
   3 Tablespoons lemon juice
   2 Tablespoons Gelatin /3 Tb for finger gello

   I put 2 cups of room temp. hibiscus tea in my gello dish. I use a glass bread pan to         get thick, chunky pieces. I then add lemon juice, essential oils of lemon and                   tangerine. Mix. Then add stevia. Mix thoroughly. I then sprinkle 3 tablespoons of         gelatin over the mixture  and let it bloom. In a sauce pan I bring 2 cups of hibiscus       tea to just before a boil. I then add the hot tea to the mixture and stir throuhghly.         *Occasionally you may get a small clump of gelatin, no big deal, just skim it off.             Place your Gello in the fridge and let set for 5 hours.

Cut, be a kid and eat with your fingers! 

Have fun and enjoy! Julie   
   *If you are inetersted in what I am up to on a daily basis you can click on the Instagram tab above and follow along. I tend to do stories more than post.    


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