We are now in week 8 of Tapestry of Grace. I really like the program. You can do as little or as much as you want. If your using it your 1st year of homeschooling, DON'T TRY AND DO EVERYTHING! I'm shocked at the number of people who are getting themselves all twisted up over this. I think it's a perfection thing. How do I know....I started falling into it and I've been homeschooling to long not to know when I'm headed for overload!
Is this the real Disney? Yes, it's part of it. As soon as we started to walk around we happened upon the Princess Parade. The Little Chef joined in and had a ball. They marched over to the carousel area with the Fairy godmothers. Then they took a wonderful ride with all the village workers coming out to great them.
Getting Dusted
Here's what we've been up to: Map work of ancient countries, studying Babylonia, Sumeria, Egypt, Israelites and their journey, plus the beginning of creation. Crafting and cooking our way through the countries. We our in the midst of 40 years in the desert with the Israelites. We've been taking an in depth look at the Wilderness Tabernacle and put together a replica. We also tried taking a wonderful field trip to the Holy Land exhibit in Orlando. Perfect timing (we thought).
Grammy and I loaded up the chickadees in the van and headed out only to find that the park was packed and no more could enter. Bummer! They have a lot of neat artifacts there. So we headed over to the Disney Market Place. Not my favorite place. It's all about buying things, most way over priced. Anyhow, my youngest has been asking for months for a trip to Disney (which isn't in the budget). She was so excited!
Then it was off for some ice cream at Goofy's place. A train ride with Grammy. A Princess coloring book from us. Playing with little ponies. Having some pixie dust sprinkled on and a special treat from Grammy (Poppy and Superman were at work).
All Aboard!
Pony Work Area
I was wiped out, but it was fun! We then headed home. The girls also enjoyed all the Star Wars things at Lego Land. The Little Chef felt like she had been to Disney World and had enjoyed the white chocolate that the Ghiradelli lady brought just for her! She told us she can't wait to go again and ride the rest of the rides.
Every girl needs 1 big lollipop!