On closer inspection I thought it was a tomatillo. Which I've never tried and wanted to. Visions of salsa went dancing by! Then on even further inspection ( i put on my glasses) and found out it was a Fuyu. Of coarse, I should have known!
I then headed to my somewhat trusty friend and searched "fuyu". Guess what? It's a Japanese Persimmon. So much for calenete salsa!
The chicks immediately wanted to taste it. So open it we did. It looked like an under ripe tomato. I thought it was mislabeled at the field. I mean, where are all the black seeds? We peeled the skin off and sliced it. VERY sweet. The texture was kind of like firm mango. My oldest chick said it was too sweet for fruit. Huh? My mango and papaya loving chick gobbled it up.
Thanks to veg co-op another country we won't need to visit. jk
On to other news we hope to have live chickens in a couple of weeks! We've been working on a little home and playground for them (that's cuz their gonna be suburban chickens and need a place to play because there's so much asfault). The girls are busily investigating the breed and figuring out pefect names. I'm getting Rhode Island Reds. They're getting white Silkes.