Hi there! I just wanted to do a quick post because it's been so crazy around here! We are back to school. Yippee!! You would think after 10 years of this I would have a handle on everything and it would be a breeze...wouldn't you? But alas.... I don't. I am getting much better and around the time our 3rd or 4th is to graduate I should have it down pat. We have always homeschooled (yes, there were years when I begged Superman to let me send them! I just didn't think I had what it takes to do this). The funny thing is; that I was the one who suggested we home educate our children, before the 1st was even born (1993). When most people hadn't a clue of what it was, how to get started, and by the way don't those creepy parents over there subject their children to that kind of torture? Yes, I had NO idea how the Lord would change my life, all our lives through this one decision! I'm so glad I listened and my husband did also. Truthfully speaking , I don't feel...