Today was very busy in a different way. (Superman had the day off and is feeling much better.) We are studying the state of Florida this year as a family and as part of our coop. Some of the wonderful trips that have been planned don't make our budget this year, So I felt impressed upon to study things more locally and use other resources ie. dvd, books, magazines for the places we can't make this year. My mom has gotten on board, so it's making it even more fun! All this to say: we planned a day excursion to the Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks. Unfortunately my camera is DOA and Grammala has her SD at her house.... So no pics. We saw many neat sites like real sponging boats, all sorts of sponges and shells. We tasted Sulavai, Gyro, Pastisio, and Baklava. We also learned about sponges and the Greek settlers to the area. It was quite busy day. So tomorrow we'll get to baking lots of pumpkin bread for the 4 sweet sisters business and some deep cleaning in. Hmmmmmmmmm wher...